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Yes, you can participate in training in any order; however, the division of licensing will only issue a “G” license to someone who already holds a “D” license. You can submit both applications at once.
The State of Florida requires 40 hours total of “D” License training in order to obtain a license. The 24 hour course is part I, the 16 hour course is part II. You can no longer obtain a temporary “D” License after the 24 hour course. You have to complete the entire 40 hour course to obtain Florida Security License.
Cash, Check, Money Order, VISA & MasterCard
Yes, students can bring their own firearm & ammunition. DO NOT bring ammunition or firearms into classroom, only to the range. Please see restrictions in application packet.
Licenses issued to security offices, private investigators either armed or unarmed are valid for a period of 2 years. The class D license, class G license & class C/CC.
Application will take approximately 7-10 business days to reach the Division of Licensing in Tallahassee. It will take approximately 30 business days for your information to be entered into the D.O.L database. Please see your instructor for the status of your license.
A license issued to an individual regulated by Chapter 493, Florida Statues, can be renewed if it has not been expired for more than three months. A late fee equal to the amount of the license fee is required in addition to the renewal license fee. If the license has been expired for longer than three months, the former licensee must reapply for a new license.
If a student does not successfully pass range qualifications they will be invited back on a scheduled date of G License training for follow up and remedial training at no additional charge. However, Student must pay for range fees, ammunition and gun rental if needed
If a security officer or private investigator misses the annual 4 hour re-certification during the 2 year period of their license, State of Florida laws require that the security officer must complete the entire 28 hour class G course to reapply for renewal of the Statewide Firearms License. There is no exception to this requirement. If a student has their 4 hour annual re-cert back dated by K Instructor they risk the chance of losing their license by the Division of Licensing.
- 7901B West McNab Road, Tamarac FL 33321